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Romney's recent missteps reflected in new polls

This tape has shown Mitts disdain for half of America including military families, and vets, the working poor and middle class, retired Americans, hispanics, as well as people in the Middle East, and many TV personalities.

He even said if he was elected he wouldn't do anything and the economy would just get better on its own. If he ain't planning on doing anything why is he running again? That does however, explain why he can't explain any of his supposed "plans." He should just apply for a job at Faux news.

Arthur are you drunk? Matthews IS centerleft (barely even left leaning). You righties have gone so far off the deep north face locations end to the extreme right, you can't find the middle anymore.

First, Hardball is an Opinion show, and Matthews can have whoever he wants on. If there was something untrue said on the show, point it out. FOX spreads lies all day, every day, not just on opinion shows, but in their "news" segments, and all antiObama. That network should have been stripped of their "news" designation years ago. Again, if you think something on Hardball was factually untrue, what was it???

Why should Matthews put Repubs on his show, when all they do is lie? Romney's entire campaign is based on a giant tripod of lies starting with a dishonestly coupons for north face edited video of the President talking about infrastructure, which the Republican party based their entire convention on. Talk about liars. Good God, the welfare lie, the medicare lie. the only time Romney's told the truth was in that fundraiser video, when he thought only his rich country club buddies could hear him.

Secondly, even if Matthews wanted to put a Republican on his show to defend Romney, he couldn't find one! Who in God's name would defend this clown? The guy actually says on that video that he is waiting for a disaster like the helicopter crash during the Carter election, so he can use it for his political gain. That comment alone should end his candidacy he's rooting for American deaths so he can use them for political gain! And we saw that he tried to do just that with his insane and disgusting comments while the consulate in Benghazi was under attack.

Who would defend this clown? Who would vote for him? Only delusional, farright wing nutbags like you, apparently.

Enjoy your Ayn Rand, wingnut. Your party is going down hard, and deservedly so.

5.3 Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:45 PM EDT

If memory serves, Michael Steele, the former RNC Chairman, is a recurring guest, along with Mr. Wright from the Joh McCain campaign. They are recurring guests because they are courageous men who respect all opinions and have their opinions respected by Mr. Matthews. They are not driven off the show by craven idealogues found elsewhere. No matter how strongly we feel about what we think we should respect all opinions and each other as much as Hardball does. This parable puts it best first remove the plank from your own eye THEN remove the speck from your neighbor's.

Joseph the press' job is to give the American people the truth. So as long as republicans are willing to tell the truth, and not blatant lies, then I am fine with them being on Hardball (or any other MSNBC show). The problem is, this Republican party has gone so far off the cliff, they don't even know what the truth is anymore. They are fed lies by Fox News day after day, year after year. Spin is one thing you expect spin during a campaign. But Romney's campaign is built on lies, and if Hardball or any other show puts these guys on the air and lets them lie without challenging and correcting them, I will stop watching that show. I know Steele is a regular MSNBC contributor, and he is kept honest on this network, for the most part. But all too often, when Republicans come on the air, they just lie, cut the other guests off, and try to yell the loudest and longest, thinking that if they can do that, people will believe their lies. "balance." Providing "balance" is not their job. Providing the truth to the people is. If the republicans have nothing to offer but lies, that is their fault.

5.5 Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:52 PM EDT

Dill Pickler I agree this and our airwaves are forums for truth. Mr. Matthews makes the same exact point at least once a month. I do not agree that ALL Republicans do not acknowledge fact and mention Mr. Steele as an example. Those that do not rarely come back. I think Mr. Matthews does an excellent job with his presentation of the debate and issues and does not need hard and fast generalizations from us to make it tougher to do so. Cop shows will have judges tell lawyers "If neither side is happy I must be doing something right." same here.

5.7 Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:13 PM EDT

I would like to thank the four heroes who, along with all their faithful service to this nation and the cause of peace everywhere, provided all Americans the ideal opportunity to evaluate the candidates for the post of Leader of the Free World at the perfect time. In spite of the senseless reasons that triggered their deaths, the families of these men can rest assured that they did not die in vain.

What Americans and the world witnessed was this Administration and the State Department calling for justice for the slain, enhancing security for its diplomatic stations abroad and investigating to identify and pursue those responsible for this outrage. This is in contrast to those who chose to react with statements blaming this Administration for sympathizing with the attackers BEFORE embassies were attacked and BEFORE our diplomats died. In summary: one side acted TO FIND OUT what happened first, the other reacted to FACTS THEY ASSUMED. Wars are prevented or started by such behavior. Evaluate wisely, Americans.