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Ron Paul New Hampshire Headquarters Set to Open

The Ron Paul New Hampshire headquarters office is set to open tomorrow. The new headquarters are located at 128 Hall St. in Concord. The event will begin at 6 PM with a speech by Ron Paul at 7 PM. The campaign is hoping for a large crowd to get the operations in New Hampshire under way.

New Hampshire is fertile ground for Ron Paul's message.

The campaign will be serving hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, and soda, but what many people in New Hampshire are hoping for is an energizing beginning to Ron Paul's run in the state. His message holds a broad appeal in the Republican Party, but the north face outlet berkeley New Hampshire is especially known for its willingness to break away from the establishment and choose its own path. Paul has a great opportunity to set the table for that to happen.

What's so important about New Hampshire?

A Ron Paul New Hampshire win would bring the "impossible" into the realm of the possible. As vintage media outlets relentlessly push the message that Ron Paul cannot win, a simple win in New Hampshire would crush that story line and open the door for voters throughout the party to vote their conscience, not the the north face coupon codes lesser of two evils. Setting up a strong operation in New Hampshire early on will allow Paul to compete for votes in that state, and every vote will matter in a wide open campaign field. It will not be an easy path. After 30 years of working hard to spread his message, Paul probably doesn't expect anything to be easy. Then again, nothing worthwhile ever is.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

I like Ron Paul. He is a rare, honest politician and if he didn't have a somewhat denialist orientation re: climate change, I'd seriously consider voting for him. There are several things I agree with him on ending foreign resource wars, for example. But until he "gets it" that we are facing major environmental devastation from transferring billions of tons of CO2 from the deep earth to the atmosphere, then I'll have to look elsewhere.